
Nagroda Roku SARP 2022

We already know the results of the SARP Year Award 2022 for the best architectural building completed by the end of 2021 in Poland.
On behalf of the Katowice branch of SARP, arch. Tomasz Konior.
We would like to congratulate all the laureates and winners.

Pictured: SARP Medal of the Year Award – photo by Dariusz Gackowski

Hotel Diament Plaza Katowice

KONIOR STUDIO in the final of the HOTEL INVESTMENT 2021/ 2022 competition.

In the category ARCHITECTURAL OFFICE for the design of the DIAMOND PLAZA Hotel in Katowice.

ECC 2022 | Nowy Europejski Bauhaus

What challenges do Polish cities face in the context of the New European Bauhaus?
This topic was devoted to one of the debates during the European Economic Congress Katowice, Poland.
We invite you to read a summary of the discussion published by, in which Tomasz Konior participated as a panelist.

Modernisation of the National Library | Architektura Murator

We encourage you to read the May edition of Architektura Murator (05/22).
The cover and richly illustrated publication were devoted to the modernization of the National Library in Warsaw designed by Konior Studio.
Moreover, in the section Zawód Architekt, our architect and co-author of the modernization project, Dominik Koroś, gave a short interview.

European Economic Congress in Katowice | 25-27.04. #ECC

We are facing the biggest business event in Central and Eastern Europe, which is called the European Economic Congress.
On 27.04. at 1:30 p.m. Tomasz Konior will be a speaker on a panel discussion concerning the new European Bauhaus project.
More information about the panel discussion and the full programme can be found here: AGENDA – European Economic Congress (
The event takes place at the MCK in Katowice.


Happy Easter 2022

Happy and healthy Easter from Tomasz Konior and his team.

*The motif of this year’s card is the staircase in the National Library designed by Konior Studio. Photo by Bartek Barczyk

Architecture Snob

The second issue of the bilingual quarterly magazine „Architecture Snob” has been published in Empik chain stores (02/2022) .
In this issue, Tomasz Konior and Dominik Koroś were interviewed by Editor-in-Chief Marcin Szczelin.
The theme of the issue is love.

archiCZWARTEK | 7.04.2022

This Thursday, i.e. 7.04., another edition of the archiCTWARTEK programme will be held.
Tomasz Konior will take part in the part entitled Spotkanie na śniadanie/ Z miłości do architektury.
The discussion will be hosted by Marcin Szczelina (Architecture Snob).
See you at 11:00 on the archiDESK platform.

Śląskie 4 You | TVP 3 Katowice | 2.04.2022

This Saturday afternoon in a series of reports by Violetta Rotter-Kozera under the title „Silesian 4 You” will appear Tomasz Konior.
See you at 17:00 on TVP 3 Katowice!
The cycle was financed from the budget of the Silesian Province.
Photography: Mirka Łukaszek, Silesian 4 You

Konior Studio | Laureaci Nagrody Architektonicznej Prezydenta Warszawy

Zodiac Warsaw Architecture Pavilion hosted an online meeting with Tomasz Konior and Dominik Koros from Konior Studio.
They talked about our next musical project: ZPSM No. 1 in Warsaw and the concert hall located inside.
The meeting was hosted by Dariusz Bartoszewicz from the Office of Architecture and Spatial Planning.

We encourage you to watch the transmission on YT:  Konior Studio | Architecture Award Winners – YouTube


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